Hearing Test
Hearing tests are the first step toward treating hearing loss.
Our experts utilize best practices and the latest in hearing technologies to thoroughly evaluate hearing capacities in both ears. There are different types of hearing test which all involve painless processes to measure hearing abilities and identify the specifics of the hearing loss you are experiencing. Two of the most common tests are:

Pure Tone Audiometry
This test measures the softest sounds you can hear in each ear, or the minimum volume needed for you to hear a specific sound. This involves wearing headphones in a sound-treated room which prevents environmental noise from interfering. Sounds will be played at different frequencies, one ear at a time. Guided by one of our hearing healthcare specialists, you will be asked to signal when you hear a sound.

Speech Audiometry
This test measures the quietest audible speech you can hear in each ear. Similar to pure tone audiometry testing, this test uses speech that is verbally communicated rather than sounds. This test can be performed in a few ways including repeating speech that is played through headphones either in a quiet or noisy environment. The softest speech you can hear will be recorded and this identifies your hearing threshold.
Your results will be captured on an audiogram, a chart that graphs your hearing capacities in each ear. We will walk you through your results using the audiogram and discuss your hearing needs as well as solutions to meet those needs.
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