Hearing Loss Overview

Hearing loss impacts nearly 1 in 6 people.

Over 48 million people live with some degree of impaired hearing in the U.S., making this medical condition the third most common that people experience today. It is estimated that only one-third of people who could benefit from hearing loss treatment receive it. Untreated hearing loss has multifaceted effects: strained communication and relationships, social withdrawal, and increased health risks. But with so much innovation in hearing technologies, there are effective hearing solutions that not only transform hearing health but quality of life.
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Types of Hearing Loss


This is the most common type of hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs in the inner ear and results from damage to the hair cells in the cochlea. These sensory cells send auditory information to the brain which further processes sound signals. This damage is irreversible, producing a permanent hearing loss.

There are a variety of factors that can cause sensorineural hearing loss which affects 9 out of 10 people who live with impaired hearing. 


Differing from sensorineural hearing loss, conductive is temporary. It occurs in the outer and middle ear and can be caused by different factors. This includes accumulated earwax, growths, ear infections, etc. which prevent soundwaves from being fully absorbed and processed. Causes are usually treatable with medications or minor interventions like earwax removal which then restores hearing.


The third type is mixed which describes a combination of both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

    Causes of Hearing Loss

    A few of the most common causes of hearing loss include:

    Hearing Loss Diagnosis & Treatment

    Hearing loss typically happens gradually so symptoms can remain unnoticed for some time. A few early signs include:
    Tinnitus: a noise in one or both ears, most often described as ringing, buzzing, or clicking.
    Sounds are slurred, muffled, or distorted.
    Difficulty following a conversation, especially in an environment with background noise.
    Frequently asking others to repeat what they said or speak louder.
    Missing words or parts of a conversation, experiencing miscommunication.
    Increasing the volume on the TV, phone, or other electronic devices.
    Pretending to hear, reading lips to help identify individual words.
    Being able to hear more clearly out of one ear compared to the other.
    Feeling fatigued after conversations and social interactions.
    These symptoms can range from mild to more severe depending on the degree of hearing loss present. Being able to identify changes to hearing health can help you seek treatment early which can better support and protect hearing.

    Hearing Loss Diagnosis & Treatment

    Diagnosing hearing loss involves a painless and noninvasive process. The first step is to have your hearing assessed by a hearing healthcare specialist. There are a few types of hearing tests that identify any hearing loss, the type, and the degree of impairment in each ear. Once your hearing needs are established, treatment can be tailored to meet those needs. Hearing aids are a common and effective treatment option.

    These electronic devices have experienced significant innovation over the years which has produced an array of options and features designed to seamlessly integrate into daily life. We will help you navigate your hearing aid options as well as the technologies that can optical support your hearing in all environments. Treating hearing loss alleviates hearing loss symptoms, strengthens communication, improves relationships, boosts brain health, and supports overall wellness. These benefits enhance the quality of life and support people with hearing loss to live actively and fully.

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