Woman with ear pain, holding the ear.

Studies Show that Hearing Loss Can Worsen Tinnitus

Now that the days are getting longer, sleep is more important than ever. However, finding a ringing in your ears is not letting you get the rest you need. This may be the sign of tinnitus, a condition in which an individual perceives a sound which has no external source. The source of tinnitus is generated from your own mind, …

Prevent Falls by Treating Hearing Loss

Prevent Falls by Treating Hearing Loss

Today, people are living longer than ever before and as the baby boomer generation reaches the golden years, this means more and more people are facing hearing loss. Age related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis is the most common cause of hearing loss affecting one in three people over the age of 65 and half of those 75 and …

girl cupping ear

Understanding Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Do you struggle to hear every now and then? It could be more serious than you may first suspect. 90 percent of all hearing loss is sensorineural in nature, meaning a lifelong condition. Understanding the different types of hearing loss There are three types of hearing loss: Conductive, sensorineural and a mix of both. Conductive hearing loss occurs when a …

man holds ear as he tries to deal with pain.

Dealing with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

“What was that?!” –if you feel like you are asking this more and more often it could signal a hearing loss. While for generations people have associated hearing loss with older adults, due to an ever increasingly noisy world, hearing loss is becoming more common for a younger generation. In fact, a recent study released from the World Health Organization …