Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!

Add Improved Hearing To Your New Year’s Health Goals!

The new year is a great time to set intentions for your health. An achievable goal you can see in the new year is to get your hearing tested. Hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions people live with today. Nearly 1 in 6 people have some degree of hearing loss, a condition that has multifaceted effects on everyday life. Being proactive about your hearing health can enhance your quality of life. You can commit to your hearing by scheduling a hearing test in the new year!

What is hearing loss? 

Hearing loss is a chronic medical condition that involves a reduced capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound. Several factors can cause hearing loss including exposure to loud noise, aging, existing medical conditions, chronic hearing infections, and head injuries. These factors most often cause hearing loss by damaging the sensory cells in the inner ear. These cells, located in the cochlea, are responsible for processing incoming sound waves by converting them into electrical signals. These signals are sent to the brain where they continue to be processed and assigned meaning too, allowing us to understand what we hear. When sensory cells are damaged, their capacity to process soundwaves effectively is reduced. This results in the brain receiving less auditory information, causing chronic hearing loss. 

Hearing loss produces a range of symptoms that take a toll on communication. This includes tinnitus which is a ringing or buzzing like noise in the ears, distortion or muffling of sounds, and difficulty hearing in environments with background noise. These symposiums make it tough to engage in conversations, participate in social settings, and navigate work life. This can affect relationships and social connection as well as increase health risks. Extensive research shows that untreated hearing loss can contribute to cognitive decline, falls, and depressive symptoms. This highlights the importance of treating hearing loss, and intervening as early as possible. 

What are the benefits of treatment?

There are significant benefits of treating hearing loss that profoundly improve everyday life. Hearing aids are the most common way hearing loss is treated. These are electronic devices that are designed to absorb, amplify, and process speech as well as sound. This provides the ears and brain with significant support, making it easier to hear. Major benefits of this includes: 

  1. Strengthens communication: hearing aids alleviate symptoms and also increase capacity to hear. These devices provide significant support that allows people to engage in conversations much more easily and comfortably. There are numerous features that reduce background noise and deliver enhanced sound quality. People are better able to engage with others smoothly which strengthens communication. 
  2. Improves relationships: communication is key for relationships. Hearing aids increase capacity to engage in conversations, listen attentively, and also respond. This allows people to spend quality time with others without having to avoid conversations and engage in everyday activities with ease. Doing things like watching TV, listening to music, and chatting about the day becomes easier and more possible with treatment. This enhances closeness and intimacy which improves relationships. 
  3. Supports social life: hearing aids are especially useful in environments with background noise which are tough to hear in. They deliver sound to meet the wearers specific needs and this support is invaluable in social settings. People are more able to participate in social activities and conversations with others which enriches social life. 
  4. Improves overall health: treating hearing loss reduces a number of health risks that are associated with untreated symptoms. Studies show that hearing aids strengthen cognitive functions, improving brain health and reducing the risk of cognitive decline. Treating hearing loss also increases spatial awareness and safety which reduces the risk of falls and accidental injuries. The interpersonal benefits treatment provides also boosts mental health and wellness. 

The benefits lead to a greater quality of life. Treating hearing loss supports people living engaged and meaningful lives that they can be activated and fully present in.  

Prioritize Hearing Health in the New Year

The new year is a great opportunity to prioritize your health and wellness. You can do this by scheduling an appointment for a hearing test. This is the first step towards treatment and transforming your health. Contact us today to schedule a hearing  consultation appointment in the new year!